

Radcliffe DC, Bakker JD, Churchill DC, Alvarado EC, Peterson DW, Laughlin MM, Harvey BJ 2024. “How are long-term stand structure, fuel profiles, and potential fire behavior affected by fuel treatment type and intensity in Interior Pacific Northwest Forests?” Forest Ecology and Management.

Radcliffe DC, Hix DM, Matthews SM 2021. “Predisposing factors’ effects on mortality of oak (Quercus) and hickory (Carya) species in mature forests undergoing mesophication in Appalachian Ohio.” Forest Ecosystems 8:7.

Radcliffe DC, Matthews SN, Hix DM 2020. Beyond oak regeneration: modelling mesophytic sapling density drivers along topographic, edaphic, and stand structural gradients in mature oak-dominated forests of Appalachian Ohio. Canadian Journal Forest Research 50:1215–1227.

Selected Journalistic

Radcliffe DC 2018. “Millennial employees and rural places: a millennial forester’s thoughts about increasing young employee recruitment and retention in the National Forest System.” In: Wilent, S. (editor). “193 Million Acres: Towards a Healthier and More Resilient Forest Service.” Society of American Foresters, Bethesda, MD: 409-437 (book chapter).

Radcliffe DC 2019. “To talk with young adults about forestry, try inspiring with the big picture.” The Forestry Source, 24(9): 7, 23.

Radcliffe DC 2019. “Many Wisconsin oak stands are aging, potentially losing value from stem decay.” Forest Data Network (online).

Radcliffe DC 2018. “Oak and ash veneer prices fall due to threat of tariffs, sugar maple veneer prices hold steady.” Forest Data Network (online).

Radcliffe DC 2017. “Montana forest collaboration works to build trust.” The Forestry Source, 22(4):1, 14-15.

Radcliffe DC 2017. “Timber Innovation Act introduced (again), with bipartisan support.” The Forestry Source, 22(5): 19.

Radcliffe DC 2017. “Baltimore aims for 40% tree canopy: a case study in urban forestry methods and an urban role for the US Forest Service.” The Forestry Source, 22(6): 1, 6-7.

Radcliffe DC 2014. “Readying communities for rising seas.” In Common, Spring/Summer 2014: 23.

Radcliffe DC 2014. “Early agriculture drove global climate change, research shows.” Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies (online news).

Radcliffe DC 2014. “Swarm of discoveries: Wisconsin insect collection one of the best.” Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies (online news).

Radcliffe DC 2014. “Tribal Youth Media Project yields movies that matter.” Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies (online news).

Radcliffe DC 2014. “Monkeys may be future model for Ritalin-ADHD studies.” Daily Cardinal, 123(64): 8.

Radcliffe DC, Spike J. 2013. “UW challenges invasive species paradigm.” Daily Cardinal (online news).